The Regional Policy Initiative for Circular Economy was implemented by a consortium of organizations in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam with the support from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). The consortium partners were Intellectuals Center (I.C) – Nepal, CWAS-CRDF CEPT University – India, Institute of Disaster Management: Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (IDM KUET) – Bangladesh, and Institute of Strategy, Policy on Natural Resources & Environment (ISPONRE) – Vietnam.
The overall project lasted for six months (April 2023 to September 2023) with a range of activities including
- Field Observation and Grassroots consultation, where the consultation was held with the formal and informal workers in waste management including waste segregators, waste collectors, sweepers, vehicle drivers, and so on.

- Stakeholder Consultation, where in-depth interview was conducted with the key officials and stakeholders working in the sector of waste management including ministry officials, local government officials, NGOs/CSOs/ private sector, waste management associations, and so on.

- National-level Knowledge Sharing Workshop, where national-level key stakeholders and grassroots workers were brought together to discuss the key issues and challenges for effective waste management and the components to include in the Policy Guide Document.

- Regional Policy Dialogue: A Regional Policy Dialogue on Circular Economy was conducted that represents a collaborative effort to promote circular economy principles and sustainable waste management practices in the region. The event was held on 28 and 29 August 2023 in Dhulikhel, Nepal highlighting the presentations on the subject matter from experts from Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Australia, panel discussions, group activities, and interactive sessions that focused on resource optimization, waste reduction & segregation with inclusive citizen participation toward the circular economy transition.

As an output of the Regional Dialogue, a Policy Guide Document on Effective and Inclusive Citizen Participation towards Circular Economy transition in South Asia was drafted, which was also presented at the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD), 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia and the Pacific.